pycs.tdc package


pycs.tdc.combiconf module


Give me a group of estimates of the same TDC pair, I return the combined confidence. 1 is for doubtless 2 for plausible 3 for multimodal 4 for uninformative

Simple version

@param estimates: list of Estimate objects

@return: dictionary that contains the combined confidence code and the estimate set, rung and pair.


Give me a group of estimates of the same TDC pair, I return the combined confidence. 1 is for doubtless 2 for plausible 3 for multimodal 4 for uninformative

Updated version of combiconf1, now with accordance criterias between the estimates, and weight given to Vivien/Malte estimates

@param estimates: list of Estimate objects

@return: dictionary that contains the combined confidence code and the estimate set, rung and pair.


Give me a list of estimates. I remove all estimates not from Malte or Vivien, then recompute the combiconfcode Return the new combiconfcode, along with the id of the estimate

@param estimates: list of Estimate objects

@return: dictionnary containing the new combiconfcode computed by combiconf2, the estimate set, rung and pair and the corresponding estimates from Malte and Vivien only


This function is based on a exploit discovered during the rungs generation: the quads with the same pair indices are the same amongst all rungs, thus have the same delay.

Not used for TDC1 official submissions, just for fun.

Give me a list of already combined estimates (i.e. one per pair only). I compute for each quad pair the best td and tderr among the corresponding rungs (which is an exploit !) I return the modified estimates list, with all the quads modified, and with only the doubtless double

# BIG WARNING !!! This function (pycs.tdc.combiconf.combiquads) actually modify estimates, we DO NOT want that !

@param estimates: list of Estimate objects. Each id must be present no more than once.

@return: list of modified Estimate objects.

pycs.tdc.est module

Stuff to manipulate time delay estimations from different techniques, specific to the TDC.

class pycs.tdc.est.Estimate(set='tdc0', rung=0, pair=1, method='None', methodpar='None', td=0.0, tderr=0.0, ms=0.0, confidence=0, timetaken=0.0)

Class to hold delay estimates for TDC curves, as obtained by various delay estimators.

__init__(set='tdc0', rung=0, pair=1, method='None', methodpar='None', td=0.0, tderr=0.0, ms=0.0, confidence=0, timetaken=0.0)
  • set – What set (e.g., “tdc0”) the curves are from
  • rung – rung
  • pair – pair
  • method – Name of the method
  • methodpar – String containing parameters of this method, or username…
  • td – time delay point estimate
  • tderr – 1sigma error estimate on the time delay
  • ms – magnitude shift estimate
  • confidence – confidence level. 0 = not estimated, 1 = doubtless, 2 = plausible, …
  • timetaken – seconds it took to get this estimate
__module__ = 'pycs.tdc.est'

Read a CSV file of estimates. You can specify a directory instead of a file, and I will read in all .csv files form there.

pycs.tdc.est.writecsv(estimates, filepath, append=False)

Write a CSV file of estimates. If append = True, I do NOT overwrite an existing file, but append to it !

pycs.tdc.est.importfromd3cs(filepath, set='tdc1')

Reads a d3cs log file and returns the list of estimates, sets=None, rungs=None, pairs=None, idlist=None)

Returns a sublist of the estimates selected according to the specified arguments. It can be sets/rungs/pairs values, or a list of ids, verbose=True)

Groups estimates by “quasar” In other words : takes a messy list of mixed estimates and returns a list of lists of estimates for a pair.


Checks that there is only one estimate per pair


Sorts by set, rung, pair… by id !


Checks that the estimates are all about the same quasar If yes, return the set, rung and pair

pycs.tdc.est.match(candestimates, refestimates)

candestimates and refestimates are two lists of estimates. I return a tuple of two lists :

  • those estimates of candestimates which are about quasars that are present in refestimates.
  • the remaining candestimates, about quasars not in refestimates
pycs.tdc.est.removebad(estimates, verbose=True, crit='conflevel')

Remove the estimates with bad confidence level (typically 4)

pycs.tdc.est.combine(estimates, method='meanstd', methodcl=None)

Combine estimates according the method of your choice. Return an estimate object

list of methods (add yours): - meanstd - initialestimation - d3cscombi1 - …

Methods should define : td, tderr, confidence, ms, timetaken

pycs.tdc.est.multicombine(estimates, method='meanstd')

Wrapper around combine. Multiple calls to the combine function. Eats a list of messy estimates, groups and combine them by quasar according to method, and return the list of combinated estimates. Can be used to feed writesubmission.

Show the estimates

pycs.tdc.est.d3cs(set, rung, pair)

Open d3cs with the rung/pair curve in your default browser

pycs.tdc.est.interactivebigplot(estimates, shadedestimates=None, plotpath=None, interactive=True, minibox=False, groupests=False, minradius=100)

WARNING !! No more TDC0-proof !!

Large graphical representation of your estimates.

  • minradius – Minimal half-width of the time delay axes, in day.
  • shadedestimates – Here you can give me a list of estimates that I will show as shaded bars instead of errorbars. However, it’s estimates that determines which panels I will draw and with what range, so that you can get panels shown without any shadedestimate.
  • plotpath – if you want to save your figures instead of displaying them. Work only when interactive is set to False.
  • interactive – Add a button to show the curve with shifts corresponding to the displayed estimates, and another button redirecting to d3cs
  • minibox

    add a minibox to the right of each panel, displaying the mean value of each set of estimate TODO : do the same implementation as shadedestimates, but with a list of different estimates

    also add captions
  • groupests – interactive must be set to True. If groupests is True, display a command center allowing the user to navigate between the different curves selected, displaying them 10 by 10.
pycs.tdc.est.bigplot(estimates, shadedestimates=None, plotpath=None, minradius=100)

Large graphical representation of your estimates.

  • minradius – Minimal half-width of the time delay axes, in day.
  • shadedestimates – Here you can give me a list of estimates that I will show as shaded bars instead of errorbars. However, it’s estimates that determines which panels I will draw and with what range, so that you can get panels shown without any shadedestimate.

pycs.tdc.metrics module

Functions related to the TDC metrics


@param estimates: list of Estimate objects @return: length of the estimates list

pycs.tdc.metrics.f(estimates, N)

@param estimates: list of Estimate objects @param N: maximum number of Estimates expected @return: fractional length of the estimates list with respect to N


@param estimates: list of Estimate objects @return: Approximation of the P metric…


I sort your estimates according to their claimed precision lowest “precision” (== highest tderr/td) first -> select from end !

@param estimates: list of Estimate objects @return: sorted list of Estimate objects.


I sort your estimates according to the absolute value of their time delay. lowest “precision” (== lowest delays) first -> select from end !

@param estimates: list of Estimate objects @return: sorted list of Estimate objects.

pycs.tdc.metrics.maxPplot(estslist, N, filepath=None)

Give me a list of estimate-lists, I plot P as a function of f

@param estslist: list of lists of Estimate objects @param N: total number of curves (e.g. 56 for tdc0) (defines f=1) @param filepath: if not None, it defines the path where I will save the plot

pycs.tdc.metrics.getP(db, method, median=False)

Compute P and Perr - std(P)/sqrt(len(P)) - for a given method stored in the database

pycs.tdc.metrics.getA(db, method, median=False)

Compute A and Aerr - std(A)/sqrt(len(A)) - for a given method stored in the database

pycs.tdc.metrics.getAmod(db, method, median=False)

Compute Amod and Amoderr - std(Amod)/sqrt(len(Amod)) - for a given method stored in the database

pycs.tdc.metrics.getchi2(db, method, median=False)

Compute chi2 and chi2err - std(chi2)/sqrt(len(chi2)) - for a given method stored in the database

pycs.tdc.metrics.getf(db, method, N)

Compute f for a given method stored in the database N is the total number of curves

pycs.tdc.metrics.Pplotall(db, methods, N, zoomchi2=False, zoomA=False, errorbar=False, median=False)

give me the db and a list of methods [method1,method2,…], I plot P vs f for each method and chi2 vs f, A vs f… for the same arrangement according to P

If as a method_i you give me a tuple (method_i,chi2max), I will remove the values wich chi2 > chi2max from the db

I can do the same exercice with median values instead of mean, just specify it in the kwargs

pycs.tdc.metrics.Pplotallperrung(wholedb, methods, errorbar=False)

Ugly beast ahead…

give me the db and a list of methods [method1,method2,…], I plot P vs f for each method and chi2 vs f, A vs f… for the same arrangement according to P

If as a method_i you give me a tuple (method_i,chi2max), I will remove the values wich chi2 > chi2max from the db

pycs.tdc.metrics.combigauss(subtds, subtderrs, truetds, lensmodelsigma=0.0)

Give me submission delays and error bars, as well as the corresponding true delays, in form of numpy arrays. I compute the mean and sigma of the combined posterior on the fractional time delay distance error.

pycs.tdc.metrics.Pplotcombi(db, methods, N, lensmodelsigma=0.0)

give me the db and a list of methods, I plot combigauss params (center, sigma, zerovalue) vs f f is selected according to bestP

pycs.tdc.optfct module

Here we collect the optimizers specifically designed for the TDC These optimizers are to be used on lcs that have a spline already ! Typically, they are called by the runsim and runobs functions of

pycs.tdc.optfct.spldiff(lcs, verbose=True, magshift=False)

Custom spldiff optimizer for TDC

@param lcs: list of light curves @param magshift: boolean, do you want to allow magnitude shifts in the pycs.spldiff.multiopt.opt_ts function called here


Regdiff usign scikit-learn Let’s see if this works without any initial shift.

@param lcs: list of light curves module

Wrapper stuff to run PyCS on TDC data

We change the philosophy here: we make a clear separation between functions that draw lcs, and functions that analyse them.

The goal is to create “once and for all” a huge amount of simulated curves, and then run the optimizer on a limited number of simulated curves, randomly chosen.

The copied and simulated lcs are stored each into an individual pkl (one per lcs), path), path, n=1, maxrandomshift=None, datadir='')

Draw n times one single copy of lcs (the ones your estimate is about) into the path directory. NEW: set can be the name of a COSMOGRAIL lens.

@param estimates: list of estimate objects, with id, td and tderr @param path: where your copy will be written @param addmlfct: If you want to add different microlensing to your obslcs @param n: Number of time you will run drawobs (each run produce new copycurves) @param maxrandomshift: Maximum range for the random time shift added to the copycurves, path, sploptfct, n=1, maxrandomshift=None, datadir='')

Draw n times one single sim curves of lcs (the ones your esimate is about) into the path directory.

@param estimates: list of estimate objects, with id, td and tderr @param path: where your copy will be written @param addmlfct: If you want to add different microlensing to your obslcs @param n: Number of time you will run drawsim (each run produce new simcurves) @param maxrandomshift: Maximum range for the random “true” and “guessed” time shift added to the simcurves, path, optfct, n=1, clist=None)

Run the optimizer (optfct) on n different copycurves Return the optimised timeshift and magnitude for each copycurves

The n copycurves are chosen randomly in the copydir, unless you give a clist of numbers i.e. if clist = [1,3] runobs will run on c001.pkl and c003.pkl

@param estimate: give me the estimate you want me to run on. (for the id) @param path: where the copycurves are written @param optfct: which optimisation function do you want me to use @param n: on how many copies do you want me to run the optimiser @param clist: ids of specific copycurves you want me to run on., path, optfct, n=1, slist=None)

Run the optimizer (optfct) on n different simcurves Return the optimised timeshift and magnitude for each copycurves Also return the true delays of each simcurve

The n simcurves are chosen randomly in the simdir, unless you give a slist of numbers i.e. if slist = [1,3] runobs will run on s001.pkl and s003.pkl

@param estimate: give me the estimate you want me to run on. (for the id) @param path: where the simcurves are written @param optfct: which optimisation function do you want me to use @param n: on how many sims do you want me to run the optimiser @param slist: ids of specific simcurves you want me to run on., path, optfct, ncopy, nsim, clist=None, slist=None)

Wrapper around runsim and runobs Run the optimizer ncopy and nsim times on the copy and sim Return the results in a list of estimates objects

@param estimate: give me the estimate you want me to run on. (for the id) @param path: where the copycurves and simcurves are written @param optfct: which optimisation function do you want me to use @param ncopy: on how many copies do you want me to run the optimiser @param ncopy: on how many copies do you want me to run the optimiser @param slist: ids of specific copycurves you want me to run on. @param slist: ids of specific simcurves you want me to run on., path, datadir)

Look at some light curves. change in place…, path, makefig=False, skipdone=True)

Create an Estimate instance of a pair, that contains the results from the PyCS optimisation.

I will silently skip non-yet-ready pairs. If skipdone, I will silently skip those pairs that have already been summarized.

@param estimate: give me the estimate you want me to run on. (for the id) @param path: where the copycurves and simcurves are written @param makefig: do you want me to create a summary figure @param skipdone: do you want me to skip the pairs that are already summarized, path)

Gather the output estimates created by summarize and return them in a single tuple

@param estimates: list of estimates you want me to collect @param path: where the summarized results are written

pycs.tdc.run2 module

pycs.tdc.run3 module

pycs.tdc.splopt module

Here we collect some spline optimizers specifically designed for the TDC


Give me some outputs of vario, I try to return a good knotstep, based on the highest vratio between the curves and the sampling.

pycs.tdc.splopt.spl1(lcs, verbose=True)

Custom spline optimizer for TDC Assumes reasonable initial time shift, but no magshift.

pycs.tdc.splopt.spl2(lcs, maxit=7, minchange=1.0, verbose=True)

Custom spline optimizer for TDC Assumes good initial time shift, but does not care about inital magshift. Optimizes any ML that is present.

  • maxit – maximum number of iteartions
  • minchange – minimum decrease in percent of the r2. I stop if the decrease gets smaller.
pycs.tdc.splopt.spl3(lcs, knotstepfact=1.0, mlknotstep=365, maxit=7, minchange=1.0, verbose=True)

Version 3 Assumes a really good initial time shift, does not care about inital magshift.

ML is added inside this function to a random lc. The ML signal should not get strong if it is not required.

  • maxit – maximum number of iteartions
  • minchange – minimum decrease in percent of the r2. I stop if the decrease gets smaller.

Some rather simple spline ML model. Randomly added on one curve of lcs


Trying to get this better.

pycs.tdc.stats module

Compute some statistics about TDC1

pycs.tdc.stats.progress(estimates, htmlcode=False, path='leaderboard.html')

Print the overall progress of TDC1 estimations through D3CS

@param estimates: list of Estimate objects. @param htmlcode: boolean. If True, I will write the results in an html file @param path: path of the html output file.

pycs.tdc.util module

General purpose functions related to the TDC.


A list of all pairs that are available in TDC1 v2 (useful, as some pairs have been removed…)

@return: a list with all the existing pairs

pycs.tdc.util.tdcfilepath(set, rung, pair, skipset=False)

Return the path to a TDC light curve in the form of “set/rung/set_rung_pair.txt”

@param set: “tdc0” or “tdc1” @param rung: in [0, 4] for tdc1 @param pair: in [1, 1036] for tdc1 (some are missing) @param skipset: boolean. If true, skip the first “set” in the path

@return: string. Path “set/rung/set_rung_pair.txt”

pycs.tdc.util.pogmag(flux, fluxerr, m0=22.5)

Computes a “normal” Pogson magnitude from TDC info. Used for TDC0

@param flux: numpy array of floats @param fluxerr: numpy array of floats @param m0: float. Zero-point of the magnitude system. @return: tuple containing two lists of fluxes converted into magnitudes.

pycs.tdc.util.asinhmag(flux, fluxerr, m0=22.5, f0=1.0, b=0.01)

Implements asinh magnitudes, following

@param flux: numpy array of floats @param fluxerr: numpy array of floats @param m0: float. Zero-point of the magnitude system. @param f0: float. asinh mag normalisation constant. @param b: float. Asinh mag normalisation constant. @return: tuple containing two lists of fluxes converted into magnitudes, mag='asinh', verbose=True, shortlabel=True)

Imports TDC light curves as a PyCS Lightcuve object. So far we expect exactly 2 curves in each file, as TDC simulates only doubles.

@param filepath: string. Path to the tdc lightcurves, typically the output of tdcfilepath @param mag: can be “asinh” of “pog”. Defines the type of magnitude considered @param verbose: boolean. Defines verbosity @param shortlabel: boolean. If True, gives a shorter object name to each light curve, omitting its TDC id.

@return: Return two PyCS Lightcurve objects, one per tdc light curve

pycs.tdc.util.writesubmission(estimates, filepath, commentlist=None, theseonly=False)

Writes a list of estimates into a TDC1 submission

@param estimates: list of Estimate objects, for which you want to write the time delay and error estimations. @param filepath: path of the file to be written. Accordign to the doc, filepath should be something like pycs_tdc1_algorithm.dt @param commentlist: list of srings. Additionnal comments to be written in the header of the submission file. @param theseonly: boolean. If set to True, I will not write -99 flags for those estimates that are missing in your list !


Sets a “nice” magshift to the n-1 last curves of lcs, so that they appear nicely below each other when displayed. Also works if you curves contain ML models or are alredy shifted.

@param lcs: list of Lightcurve objects


Asks the user if he wants to proceed. If not, exits python.


Read a TDC1 submission file, and return its values in PyCS standards.

@param filepath: string. Path to the TDC1 submission

@return: list of tuples. Each tuple are (estimate id, estimated delay, estimated error)


I return a list of estimates in which I have modified some by divine inspiration. This should be systematically done before writing a TDC1-D3CS submission.

@param estimates: list of Estimate objects @return: tweaked list of estimates

pycs.tdc.vario module

Variability analysis stuff

pycs.tdc.vario.vario(l, plot=False, filepath=None, nsamp=1000000, verbose=False)

A simple stochatic variogram-like plot, and return the ratio delta_mag around 50-75 over delta_mag for the smallest step

@param l: light curve Object. @param nsamp: integer. The number of random samples to take @param plot: boolean. Do you want to plot the vario analysis ? @param filepath: if not None, it is the path to where the plot will be saved

Module contents

This subpackage contains code more or less specific to the Time Delay Challenge (tdc)